Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mail Day: 5/9/09

During the last couple days I have received two awesome card packages. The first is from Ryan @ I Heart Halos and it's the best Heritage mail day I've received this year and that's saying something as I've gotten some good ones. Ryan sent me the elusive #82 Scott Baker which completes my short set and he also sent six inserts and TWELVE short prints I needed. Ryan, I promise I will hook you up with an awesome Angels package. The second bubble mailer was from Dave @ Cardboard Junkie. It included the '87 Donruss rack pack I won in his random drawing of bloggers that helped complete his '87 D-Russ set and he also threw in some kick ass Pirates cards. Thanks Dave, I owe you an awesome package as well, I promise I'll come up with something.Here's my want list for 2008 Topps Baseball Updates and Highlights:


RWH said...

Glad I could help you out. Good luck with the rest, it's a daunting task to say the least.

dayf said...

Ha! That was the perfect rack pack. Bonds, Bo and Larkin and I didn't give away Maddux. Nice!

night owl said...

If only it was 1992. You could've made some extra cash off of that rack pack!

Andy said...

that was my rack pack originally!